It is strange how some projects sleep until we find a need to finish them. Such is the case with the garment Cleaves (free pattern on Knitty.com). I started this piece back in June. It is a very unique garment that is a combination of cowl and sleeves; almost like the reverse of a vest. I was immediately captivated by its simple pattern and beautiful design. Knitting upon it sporadically I managed to finish 1 sleeve and three quarters of the second before the project basically went into my big knitting bag for a long hibernation. Though I wished to finish the work, there was no burning desire that inspired me to continue the process. Then came this October in Maryland. The days passed lazily by, only to suddenly turn chilly in the lateness of the month. The thought kept occurring to me as I wrestled with coats and sweatshirts, "I need a better outer garment. The weather is just too cantankerous for such normal modes of maintaining a stable body temperature." (Yes that is an actual thought that manifested in my brain, judge me not!) Enter in the memory of the unique knit that just happened to be sitting under my bed. Once I started on it again, I knitted like a woman possessed for two days and quickly had it completed. I understand the picture I have put here is hardly adequate, but I pray it will do for now.
There is something very powerful about this piece. I find it hard to describe, but I suppose it is because it looks so strange. Comments I have received on its appearance have ranged from Final Fantasy, to Seuss. Yet, I put it over my head, set up the ruff, and I feel strangely beautiful as well as strong. I know it sounds rather dramatic, but the piece is bold in its direct violation of normal garment appearance. Therefore, I feel bold and revolutionary within it. It is funny that I finished this so close to Halloween, a night devoted to looking rather out of character. This work is not out of character for such a night. Cleaves is a garment that I feel is closer to my character than most other clothing I will ever consider wearing. It is/I am unconventional, bold, and lovely.