This Friday, I was wildly unproductive. I still had the 4 research papers to write that I listed previously...but after being let out of work early, and determined to be productive, I...failed.
I took a shower, and eagerly took up my book. I read about 30 pages...and zonked out for the best two hour nap of my life. When I awoke, I was too bleary-eyed to read. So I watched The Daily Show, and made some paper snowflakes.
I cut the snowflakes from scrap paper, mostly poorly printed pages of Freud's Civilization and Its Discontents. This amused me greatly. I slipped one under my friend Shawna's door, wishing her snow; she's from Chicago, and already misses the snow they had on the ground at Thanksgiving. But mostly, I wanted snow for myself. So I made lots of snowflakes. And taped them to my window.

Sure enough, late Saturday night, Nate called me to tell me there was snow in Connecticut. Early Sunday morning, it came down hard, and when I awoke, it looked like this!
Okay, it's not much, but it was pretty, and I did make it snow. That's the important thing.
Now, if I only I could make it not so freaking cold.
You're good at those snowflakes!! Thanks for the snow Heather!
Those are some intricate snowflakes. Now I want to make some!
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